Peer-to-Peer Texting FAQ
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P2P involves two-way texting. It allows a single member of your team or multiple agents to send SMS messages to one person or groups of hundreds. This methodology also allows you to avoid ATDS restrictions set by the TCPA.
A volunteer or agent can compose a message or create a personalized template. Then, they choose the contacts, and it takes just a single tap or click to send out every text.
Texting customers, voters, and supporters one-on-one gives you access to extraordinarily helpful data. This is why P2P messaging is so popular in political campaigns, election drives, and fundraising. Engage with voters and others to request support, then save the responses you receive. You can analyze this information later to continue to improve your peer-to-peer campaigns.
Absolutely! We offer MMS messaging so that you can use P2P to send emojis, media files, images, and other content. This creates better engagement and boosts your messaging.
The FCC was presented with a petition from a group called the P2P Alliance. This petition aimed to redefine a provision that could wrongly cause P2P texting software to be categorized as autodialers (ATDS). The reasoning was that P2P does require human intervention to reach people via mobile phones. Additionally, P2P texting is not solicitation on the part of a political party. Because of this distinction, peer-to-peer should not be in violation of state or federal law. The caveat is that affirmative manual dialing must be engaged.
In 2020, the FCC declared that two-way texts using technology that must use human intervention do not fall under the TCPA. The requirement additionally states that the technology being used can’t have bulk text capabilities, A2P, or ATDS. With that being said, the Federal Election Commission does require a disclaimer for the majority of transmissions.
Enroll in our plan, and you will receive access to our technologically advanced peer-to-peer messaging service. This includes access to as many agents as you need. Yes, you can have a single agent — or hundreds. All can be sending messages at the same time!
That’s not all! You can also use the compliance tools we have included in our package. All of this is bundled together at a very reasonable price.
Peer-to-peer messaging works. It has evolved into one of the most used forms of communication between brands and customers. The reason is quite simple: People want to interact with organizations and brands. They have no interest in being on the receiving end of intrusive messages where their input doesn’t matter. Every social media post, email, or message creates a touchpoint. With peer-to-peer messaging, that touchpoint allows a conversation to start. This also allows people to ask questions and receive answers quickly.
Contact Consumers is a seasoned provider of SMS messaging and digital marketing services. Our team specializes in using technology platforms to empower brands to create better communication with customers in a frictionless environment. We stand behind our products and are competitively priced when compared to other providers, including CallHub, Hustle, Relay, and more.
Additionally, we offer a risk-free trial period at no cost to you. Give our products a go, and we are confident that they will meet your needs.
Our P2P platform is supported by an infrastructure that is unmatched. Our users don’t have to worry about outages. It’s also ready to integrate with SalesForce and other software. Finally, we’ve created an easy-to-use platform that’s a joy to use. Your team will quickly become proficient and ready to engage your audience.
The read rates for P2P can reach 90%. Out of those, more than half will issue some response. This engagement may range from simply responding to a poll question or engaging an agent in a conversation
Political text messages are so common that it can be difficult to stand out. P2P texting can truly give campaigns an edge. It is more effective than other direct methods of communication with voters — even social media. Some of the largest political campaigns and committees have used peer-to-peer messaging, including the DNC, the RNC, and the Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump campaigns. These campaigns were carried out in compliance with federal law.